Holly Gregor |
Cottage Advisor |
Holly Gregor is a freelance writer living in Louisville, Kentucky. Gregor writes only on interior design, a passion she acquired after buying their first home. Married with a young son, Gregor grew up in Austin, Texas and lived in Orange County, California for 11 years working as a television reporter. After having their son, she pursued freelance writing, a more flexible career, allowing her to stay home. What Gregor loves about interior design is the combination of creativity and personal expression reflecting ones personality and lifestyle. Direct questions or comments to HollyGregor@CottagesandGardens.com |
Finding Comfort In The Details |
Emphasizing texture helped to create a cozy look Lewis says, but that is just one detail that achieved that end. Accessorizing and the way in which she accessorized was another contributing factor. For instance, because of the scale of the family room, Lewis used large-scale accessories. And she also accessorized in groupings, such as a collection of clay pots, picture frames, and a gathering of rattan balls. Lewis also prefers to keep the lamps in the room different sizes but companions (coming from the same manufacture, and with similar designs) of one another. "This way the lamps tie-in in a decorative way without jumping out at you," Lewis says. "Your focus is on the other accessories in the room."
It's not too surprising, Lewis says, that accessories and "the fluff" as she calls it, are just as important as the key furniture pieces. She says there are several reasons most people fall short of finishing their homes by not accessorizing. "I think people are worn out after construction and once they get into their home they're done." And many people have not allocated a budget for accessories not realizing the importance of them or the amount of 'stuff' it takes to finish a house. Most of all, Lewis says, "I think people don't know how to accessorize." 