Holly Gregor |
Cottage Advisor |
Holly Gregor is a freelance writer living in Louisville, Kentucky. Gregor writes only on interior design, a passion she acquired after buying their first home. Married with a young son, Gregor grew up in Austin, Texas and lived in Orange County, California for 11 years working as a television reporter. After having their son, she pursued freelance writing, a more flexible career, allowing her to stay home. What Gregor loves about interior design is the combination of creativity and personal expression reflecting ones personality and lifestyle. Direct questions or comments to HollyGregor@CottagesandGardens.com |
Christmas For Her Family |
Parkinson does all the decorating herself although she does hire two people to carry the artificial Christmas trees down from the attic along with a portion of the decorations. The majority of the decorations are stored away in the walk-in closet in the basement. Still more are packed away in John's old bedroom. "When he went away to boarding school, I started taking over." 