Holly Gregor |
Cottage Advisor |
Holly Gregor is a freelance writer living in Louisville, Kentucky. Gregor writes only on interior design, a passion she acquired after buying their first home. Married with a 5 year old son, Gregor grew up in Austin, Texas and lived in Orange County, California for 11 years working as a television reporter. After having their son, she pursued freelance writing, a more flexible career, allowing her to stay home. What Gregor loves about interior design is the combination of creativity and personal expression reflecting ones personality and lifestyle. If you have a particular question for Holly or would like to see an article on a particular topic, you may contact her by e-mail at HollyGregor@CottagesandGardens.com |
A Love For Antiques |
Hopefully the antiques Tipton sells will reflect the different personalities of each of his clients. "Your house reflects who you are and what you are," says Tipton, adding, "Houses are works in progress" - perhaps, just like people. 