Cottages and Gardens - For Life's Simpler Pleasures  
Cottages and Gardens - The Cottage Road
Cottages and Gardens Magazine TABLE OF CONTENTS    COVER

Cottage Tip
If you have a particular problem or dilemma, send a note to us at

We will ask a CottageKeeper or Cottage Advisor to help you.

Cut your favorite flowering vine (jasmine, bower, passion flower, etc.) in lengths of 1' to 3'. Push each of the cut ends through the cap into the water filled pick. Gently weave the vines on, around or through your desired area to decorate as you would garland (as the chandelier here).  Hide the picks in the vine. Your fresh garland should last up to a week.  Enjoy!
The CottageKeepers
CottagesandGardens Floral Designer Kit
Cottages and Gardens - The Cottage Road
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